Had a partial hyst/bladder lift on March 1st. Brutal surgery lasting 6 hours. Lots of endometriosis mess. Post-op, at week three I began gushing liquid out every time I stood up. They discovered a bladder fistula. Had to go on a catheter for 4 weeks to see if it would heal on its own. I'm at week three now with it in, facing a cystoscopy in one week to see if it's healed or further surgery is needed to fix it. Yesterday, I developed unbelievably sharp pains near entrance to catheter. Doctor says it's bladder spasms. Just took first prescription pill for it and hour ago with no change. So discouraged. Pain is sharp and intense, coming in waves. Is there anything more I can do to make it subside? Also, what are the chances this 4 week catheter adventure has cured the fistula without more surgery?