for 15 years or more ive had bloating and constipation, had u/s 3 x colonoscopy 3 yrs ago and just mild early diverticular disease,my left leg has periodically gone numb when sitting for long periods for a long time on and off, this has got worse to the point where my knee tingles and my calf veins throb when sitting, so ive always had ibs-c .my last u/s 4 years ago showed a subserosal fibroid of 7.2 cm but this has presented years after u/s showing nothing. so my question is this is it likely in view of years of ibs-c and leg numbness, is the leg pain more likely to be due to the long term ibs-c or the subserosal fibroid? i really dont want to have a hysterectomy and still be in this pain? im 50 by the way