Thanks for postings your query to HCM.
As per your history and examination lumps (or you say bump) in neck can have three basic possibilities:
1.Lipoma- is a fatty tissue storage. This is referred to as It is a
benign tumor in a fibrous capsule close to the skin.
Lipomas usually develop in the neck, torso, thighs and armpits and are most often mistaken for cancerous tumors. However, lipomas are the most common non cancerous tumors that develop in the body. It can be surgically removed easily.
2. Sebaceous cyst- Again a simple condition almost similar to lipoma but have a central black color dor known as punctum. Treated same as above in lipoma.
3. Lymphadenitis: Swelling of lymph node due to some infection in face neck and chest. It is commonly caused by
sore throat, bacterial infection or dental infections or some viral infections.
It's best to get it properly diagnosed, to be able to know the precise cause of the bump in your neck, an immediate consultation with your doctor is a must.
Hope this information will help.
with best health wishes,
Dr Sanjay K Kanodia