Over two years ago I crashed a quad and got a concussion where I lost consciousness for 15-30 minutes. A month or so afterwards I got extremely sick; loss of sound, ringing in ears, lightheadedness, muscle fatigue, loss of vision, then I fell causing another concussion and loss of consciousness and I had thrown up too. A few months after falling i was in a small collision where i got whip-lash. And every few months I have the weird loss of sound, hearing, muscle fatigue, lightheadedness, ringing in ears, and concussion, where I wake back up and can't move, or speak for at least ten minutes. It has been 2 years since my crash and I have had severe migraines, that even two 500mg of Ibuprofen do nothing for. I have just gotten an MRI done, because my symptoms are getting worst; and i won't get the results till Tuesday. I would like to know if you have any suggestions of what this could possibly be.