hi i am 22 years old and a mother of two. I had the copper iud put in november 2, 2012 which was six weeks after i had my son. lately i ve been experiencing pregnancy symptoms although it could be just my cycle beginging. My cycle was a day late and when i thought it finally started it s a very light pink and only when i wipe. its been for 6 days now and i usually hav very regular periods even with iud. when i first had the iud put in it was very hard to find it was so high up that i had to bend as far as the ground to feel it now i can easily find the strings i dont even have to bend down. i have been cramping a lot, headaches , lower back pain left and right, constipated and frequent urination . the reason i had the copper one put in is because im a type one diabetic and wanted to use something without hormones. i have taken 2 hpt and both came back negative. i cant help but feel that i may be pregnant. my areolas are darker my face is clearer my hair is thicker too. please tell me what you think i have made an appointment to be seen as soon as tomorrow. thank you.