Can you shine some light on my existing and potentially future neck surgerys for me ?i have had a bone graph between c-6 & c-7, directly after the work accident,since, c-3 through c-1 have been fused with a plate., removing all fractured scar tissue, and discs. He wanted to fuse all discs clear up to c-1 ,not a bad idea, though $ didn t prevail, now I m in a world of hurt, fixing to go for a long walk, or swim, don t know which, don t really much feel like being a burdon on society anymore...wish I could have done more for society while I was alive. It s just when my neck got fucked, so did I, I wasn t worth anything neck fixing that shit...a frigging life of pain 24/7, can t get away from it , it s worse than wisdom teeth, just friggen horrible pain, constant, and riding in a vehicle is like chewing on tin-foil...People , I ain t shittingyou, will some-oneplease recognize my pain......also I have armature large lump, about the size of a grape, whacked painful developing right beside my anus, it makes sitting down very painful...I haven t been able to eat as going to the bathroom can be really excruciating,