Hello doctor!! My LMP was 23.12.12. I had intercourse with my bf on 5th jan, 9th jan and 12th jan. then I had a one night stand with a colleague on 16th jan. though on 16th jan he pulled out at last minute. I tested postive with HPT of sensitivity 50 ui/ml on 25th jan. it was a very faint line. My first ultrasound abdominal gave was done on 13.2.2013 and crl was 0.8cm and gestational age of 6 weeks and 6 days with heartbeat. Then again ultrasound was done on 15th march and crl was 41 mm and age was 11 weeks. My periods have been irregular. My cycle length from June 2012 to dec 2012 has been 38 days, 30 days, 33 days, 39 days, 32 days and 27 days as I have been charting my periods. Can u please tell me how accurate is ultrasound dating. Is there any chance I can be pregnant with one night stand of 16th jan. and can I test positive so early on 25th jan. please help me find who the father is??