I had a partial hysterecomy August 12th via DaVinci, kept my overies and cervix. I have had a realtively easy recovery, little pain, no bleeding, main discomfort is swelly belly. I started back to work this week, September 9th. I have a desk job but I am required to move around fairly frequently. Two days ago, I started having a lot of cramping and by the end of the day was spotting. I have a lot of abdominial swelling by the afternoon and all my limbs felt tight like I am retaining water. The spotting was not bright red, more orange brown and there wasn't a large amount. There is a slight odor. I rested the whole evening and yesterday was better. However, by 3:00 p.m. yesterday the cramping was back and the spotting was too. Again, I rested all evening. The spotting stopped but the pain did not. The cramping has turned in to a stinging, burning pain, mainly on the right side and is shooting down my leg. I have taken 3 motrin pills and no relief. The spotting has not started yet today. I am trying to stay off my feet at work today. Could this pain be because I am ovulating? Or perhaps I am simply doing too much. I have a decent amount of energy and am being careful not to lift heavy things. I just don't know if I should be concerned or not. My doctor has been great but not really good on some of the details as to what I should expect during recovery. I don't want to bother her if it is a routine issue. The pain is similar to pain I had before my procedure.