Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am sorry about what you both are going through related to the thoughts of
pregnancy and the absence of menses.
From the history you have provided, there are almost no chances that she is pregnant. Having sex 3days after her menses, taking the
Ipill within 2hours, bleeding for 5days after this intercourse and a negative pregnancy test completely rules out pregnancy.
For sure you are concerned why her menses have not come yet. Hormones do cause a change in the menstrual cycle to a different new rhythm. Let her patiently wait and her cycles would be back. If this should not occur within 2months from the last bleeding, then she may need an evaluation to see if there could be any other reasons. Otherwise, it is going to be fine.
Please, always have protected sex. beside pregnancy, you can also have sexually transmitted diseases. Try and get the necessary protection before running into similar situations next time.
I wish you both well and all the best in your relationship.
Dr. Ditah, MD.