Hi , I have been suffering from a white rubbery/powdery discharge for the last 6-8 months. It was first diagnosed as thrush and I took a canestene gel pessary & a flucanazole tablet & although it reduced my symptoms, it did not completely cure it. Because I have had no pain/itchiness except occasional dryness & discomfort during sex, I let it be until a week ago when a gynacologist prescribed me with Candid V3 pessaries for 9 nights & Candid CL gel for topical use along with Antibiotics Doxyl (1-0-1) & T.Enidazole (1-0-1). On the night after my period ended, I had sex and immediately afterward, I inserted the 1st pessary, and the next day i got a scary toothpaste-like (orangish) discharge with a bright red piece of mucus . The 2nd night, I inserted the pessary again , and today again, I have a similar discharge. Is this normal? Why this discharge?I experience no pain, but a slight discomfort due to the discharge. I will appreciate your advice. Thanks.