Hello and welcome to HCM,
Hair fall is caused by weakened hair roots or hair follicles..
hair roots recieve nutrition form blood.
Proteins are the major building blocks required for maintainence of various body tissues including hair roots or hair follicles.
Deficiency of proteins in diet will cause brittle and fragile hair.
The medicines that have been prescribed are health supplements, iron and supplemetary hair care products.
In order to reduce hair fall, you need to increase protein intake.
Protein rich foods are eggs, pulses, cheese, beans, meat, fish, etc.
head massage will increase the blood circulation in the
scalp region.
Avoid entangling of hair by using anti-entagling lotion.
Avoid drying of hair by keeping the scalp mosit.
dandruff in case you have dandruf on the scalp.
Dandruff also weakenes the hair and leads to hair fall.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal