I am 18 years old, female, 152cm height and weighs around 54kg. Before, my regular bowel movement is once a day, at least. Starting last week, i just poo maybe once in two days. and its a little bit hard for me to evacuate because i think my stool are hardened, and i feel like im not emptying completely. then last thursday i discovered that there was blood together with my stool. this happened for three times already, as far as i know. yesterday, i feel bloated the whole day and there is excessive intestinal gas. earlier today, when i took a poo, i consider my faeces to be in small amount considering that i ate a lot last night. and then there's blood again. when i tried contracting my anus after the bloody stool came out, there was around 3 drops of blood. i never had any GIT pain/stomach aches, except for the intestinal gas yesterday Am i just having a serious case of constipation, doctor?