Dear all This is in regards to my wife, who is 37- years old originally born in India and migrated to England in 2003. She has a BSe degree in Nursing and worked as a registered nurse in a hospital outside London. She is currently married and has a six year old son. My wife has had some dental work; tooth extraction with braces in 2004. She has been suffering from left sided chronic headache disorder for five years but increasingly worst since the beginning of year 2008. Due to her increasing and ongoing chronic headaches, she is unable to work at this movement. She has one sided headache(left) from the centre point of head involving, left side eye, cheek, lower jaw, neck, ear, and shoulder, all on left side all the time. She has seen numerous specialists regarding this problem including several neurologist both here in England and in India. She has been further investigated by ENT, Maxillofacial surgeon, chronic pain specialists and Rheumatologist who have given her various diagnosis such as trigeminal neuralgia , cluster headache , migraine, hemicranias, facial pain, post natal hormonal changes and other diagnosis. She has had several investigations such MRI, CT scan, Lumber puncher; results being normal. She is waiting to have PET scan soon. She has had physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Ayervedic treatment so forth which has not been helpful till now. She has had repeated blood works done and her ESR (High Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate) and CRP (C Reactive Protein) have noted to be high most of the time. Numerous above specialists have tried treating my wife with several medications such as : Propanolol, Diazepam, Toprimate, Sodium Valporate, Carbamezipine, Pregablin which have been discontinued in overtime as they have not been helpful. She is currently prescribed with Amitriptyline 75mg daily at night and Oramorph (Morphine Sulphate) which have noted to be helpful to a certain extent but not ultimate cure. My wife continues to experience debilitating headaches as no one have been able to find a definitive diagnosis or treatment up to today. The exact cause of her headaches has proven very difficult to pin down by the above specialists. I would greatly appreciate for your opinion and any help that you can offer her as her headaches are effecting the whole family in all aspects on a daily basis. Thank you Sincerely, GM