Hi Mathew, My name is Jo. My boyfriend Has been clinicly diagnosed with Marfans syndrome . But not geneticly yet. He had a protruding rib and described it as popping in and out. Then thought his ribs were loose. But when they operated on him, they found he had extra cartilage so they removed this and removed some from his right rib.This was 3 months ago but he is still in pain :( He has a lot of marfan traits, like high roofed mouth, the hyper mobility, and skinnyness. He also has an extra moler tooth growing on the bottom inside of mouth, that has just appeared. Is the tooth and cartilage thing related.? And can marfans sufferers get extra cartilage? Or has he got something else? Or Marfans and another condition at same time? p.s. please forgive my spelling