Hello, slgjones,
I see that you had an endoscopic diagnosis of two peptic ulcers and
You were appropriately treated with
Omeprazole which you say ,took for two
months. That should normally be enough time for your ulcers to heal.
However, you don't mention whether you were tested for H.Pylori either by
biopsy or breathtests and treated for that. If not, that should be done in
your case.
When someone has multiple ulcers, we always think of NSAIDS (Non- steroidals)
which you might be on for pain control or other reasons. Drugs like Aspirin,
Ibuprofen, Naproxen etc.
The H-2 blockers are not as effective as the PPIs. (
Proton Pump Inhibitors).
You need to be on a maintenance with a PPI, even if it is once a day, perhaps
for an extended period of time, several months, if you have been tested and
treated for H.Pylori.
The other problem associated with multiple ulcers is over active Parathyroid
gland that controls calcium production and metabolism'
You need to be checked for
Hyperparathyroidism by checking your blood
calcium level and other tests to rule this out which might include scan or
ultrasound exam.
I am sure you have been on therapy for your general anxiety disorder as well.
I wish you well.