Hi, am planning to conceive, but i ve PCOD . below are my test reports. AMH : 5.56 ng/mL, FSH: 7.53 mI/mL, LH: 5.16 mIU/mL, Prolactin (PRL) : 10.67 ng/ml, Tri Ido Thyronine : 1.17 ng/ml, Total Thyroxine: 9.09 ug/dl, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ( TSH ) : 1.86 uIU/ml, and my husband sperm count : 75 millions. please tell me my conceiving chances. on 11th day the scan reports are below: Right ovary : 40 mm x 27 mm, Left ovary : 25 mm x 20 mm. endometrium : 5.6 mm. please tell me when the egg will release from ovaries... and is my egg healthy ?