I "had" what I think was a skin tag on my labia minor. It seemed to just appear one morning in the shower. It was probably the size of my thumbnail. There was no pain to it or any discomfort. Just weird to know that it was there and where did it come from! Probably after 1-2 weeks, after washing in that area one morning, I noticed a chunk of red tissue on the shower floor. It must have been a piece of that "tag" because I checked and it seemed smaller. After a couple of days, it was completely gone. During those few days that it disappeared, I noticed some spotting and used a tampon and there was a very small amount of blood on it upon removal after all day. This went of for three days and that was it. Did not even bleed enough in the three days to fill 1/4 of a tampon. SO,I don't know if the blood was from the "tag" or if there is something else going on. This was a month and a half ago and everything seems back to normal. Meanwhile, I went to my physician and they sent me for a vaginal ultrasound (I neglected to tell anyone about the "tag" - feeling embarrassed). The ultrasound showed a "slightly enlarged uterus and a small,1cm, cyst (the watery kind I was told). My family dr said to see a gynecologist to better evaluate the report. He attempted an aspiration, but was not able to get my cervix to tilt since there were "contractors" in front of it and made it impossible for him to see the cervix opening. He now wants to do a D & C! I am not comfortable having this D & C procedure at all. I did not tell him about the "tag" as I actually forgot all about it, until just now. So, I am really wondering if the D & C is really necessary because maybe the bleeding was just that "tag" OR maybe I just had a "period". Like I said, everything is normal now. By the way....I am 56, had my first and only child at the age of 44, am not very sexually active, and have not had a "normal" period since Dec. 2009. Confused and frustrated.