I have been taking albothyl because i had a wound on my cervix, i applied five doses in supositories and five in gel, but my gyn said i still have discharge and i tested negative for viral and bacterial infections, but i didn't tell her that it itched because it's very mild and i also didn't tell her i had recurrent yeast infections i had tried to treat naturally so she just told me to buy another tube of albothyl and to apply it once weekly for a month. My gyn said the discharge is white and thick, i only see a white foggy liquid discharge when i go to the bathroom and i have no bad odors and my discharge isn't heavy, but i've had it for several months so believe maybe one of my natural treatments did not work too well. I took a 150mg dose of fluconazole yesterday because this medication was helpful in the past, but my head hurts and my nose bled so i don't know how to take it. I hope you can help me out,
thank you