My 86 year old father just got out of the hospital after being diagnosed with anemia . His hemoglobin was 7.6 hematocrit was 23. He had a small bleed , I think they called it an AVM. They cauterized it, gave him one unit of blood and also gave him I ve iron. On Wednesday his hemoglobin was 8.8 and his hematocrit was 28.8. He had another 2 units of blood. He has experienced some foot pain lately, but this morning he got up to go to the bathroom and almost fell. He said the pain in his right foot was bad. I was reading up on and came across information that it could be from a B 12 deficiency. If this is so, Would they have seen this B 12 deficiency on his latest CBC or BMP?. He has has B 12 shots in the past, though I couldn t say when the last one was