Hello i am now 15 years old, and i hae a bowel movement once a week and this happens every week and has been happening since..... maybe 6 years old. But it has gotten worse, i have trouble swallowing food cause it hurts my chest , i took pepcid and dexilant but they hurt my stomache. I have been diagnosed with gurd, i have frequent diharrea, fire buring pain in lower stomache. And on some days i have like a feeling like when you just jog and your side hurts only i did nothing and it is in the upper left spot below my rib cage. I m supposed to have an endoscopy soon but it is taking too long to schedule the appointment. What can i at least do before i have the appointment to make the pain die down some. And oh i feel nauseous while eating dairy porudcts so the doctor made me stop for a while and it seems to stop that part of my diet, tomato sauce irritates it, i belch, have flatulance, and my stomache grumbles VERY loudly before and after a meal it is really embaressing. Ad i don t know if this has anything to do with is but i have a 3 white spots on my spine and a dark line going down it and it hurts.. Sometimes just the thought of food makes me nauseous, i get headaches and get dizzy often, and i bloat everyday, and have just experienced some weightloss of 10 pounds over the course of possibly one week... any suggestions?