Hello Dr Grief,
I wonder if you can help me, I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2008 and had to take early retirement after 37years of nursing/midwifery. I find the information aimed at the general public is not in-depth enough, and the medical papers aim too far above me. I am having new symptoms and I don't know if it if just the sarcoid, and if so is there any treatment? I get so fed up going to four differant consultants who will initiate a barage of tests, and then tell me that there is not realy much that can be done, and offer me prednisolon. I am now having difficulty with fine finger movement,fingers jerk and type extra keys when I am typing. My grip is poor and I have involantry jerking x like Parkinsons, I will lift a cup and my wrist will jerk and and I will have tossed the contents, usaly over my self; I have given my self som nasty scalds on my hand, wrist and abdomen. I am also loosing my memory and I don't remember events, very disturbing is the fact I don't remembet my grand-daughter when she was ababy she is now five. I have just lost two hours as I seem to fall asleep at the computer? I wonder if there is some form of epilepsy going on?
That's probably enough to be going on with
Kind regargs,