My 22 year old son has lost over 65lbs in past six months. Has had fevers off and on, stomach issues, loss of appetite , night sweats , extreme fatigue, feet neuropathy . He s had blood tests and ultrasound done shows fatty liver, gallstone (dr says from losing weight it s not symptomatic), anemia , enlarged liver & spleen , elevated liver enzymes . GI dr said its all from alcohol abuse . He has drank alcohol in excess at times, but nothing for months now. I can t believe that he did all that damage in few years of drinking. He s maintained a job and doesn t drink daily. His labs were neg for all Hep, HIV. Chest xray normal. White cells normal. Red low = anemia. I just feel like once the GI dr heard he drank that was all he considered. We ve moved him back home, he s on medical leave from work and just not improving. I ve been giving him Ensure and as many calories as possible. Why is he still having fevers? Last night it was 101.4. What other tests should he have done? Any ideas what s the problem? Why are his leg pains so bad. Should we take him to hospital?? GI gave him 20mg of Elavil, which is no help. He s also taking Nexxium to tolerate food better. On top if this the poor guy had 2 wisdom teeth out last month, one didn t heal so there s hole to sinus which needs repair. DR doesn t want that done until he s healthier. He has had a week round of antibiotics for that due to small infection. Yet the fevers persist.