Hi, i am a 45yr old female. I have gained weight around my waist over the last month, and would probably say I was pregnant if I didn't know any better (and also done a pregnancy test which was neg) as I have a lot of the symptoms e.g : extreme nausea (and sometimes to the extend it's making me cry cause I know I would be unable to go to work cause it's quite over whelming, take anti-nausea tablets when it gets this bad), feeling full, not able to eat normal portions of food without being extremely bloated and having difficulty breathing, tired and crying unexpectedly without warning and no reason. I have been to see my GP and had bloods done which were all ok. She gave me a depression questionaire which I answered honestly and my score was 1 out of 10 (the 1 was for feeling tired ). I live a full life as in I work hard, I'm redecorating my house, go out with my husband and friends for dinner and drinks, cook healthy meals for my family, clean my house, spend as much time as I can with my granddaughter, go shopping for clothes etc. This is starting to get me down as I can't seem to get to the bottom of it...............do you have any suggestions?