ok I had a tubal 7 yrs ago and 3 months ago I took a pregnancy test and very faint line showing positive following 4 negative test afterwards so I stopped testing any more. But I have been getting very nauseated every nite diff times and headaches, very fatigue. Although when I took first preg test I had just came off period lasting 6 days and it was regular. But I took the other 4 test all in the same week anxious to figure out yes/no. Ok, the next period was only 14 days later and it was very odd. Now 2 days after that period I started having pains just exactly like I was ovulating but it wasn't on any particular side it was all across the pelvic area. Not bad pains just moderate then I had the thick EWM wt. a string of blood in it and also spotted a little the next day as well. That following Friday only 4 days later I felt as if I was ovulating again except only on the left side this time. Ok, now this time my period was 22 from the beginning of my last cycle which was also very strange too bc it started very, very light and went that way for about 3 days. I only wore a liner and never even bled in the liner only when I wiped. After the 3rd. day I bled a little heavier and had worn a pad but still didnt have to change it (only changed to keep good clean hygein). But the 5th day I bled heavy for like half the day the back very light again for 5 more days and I mean very light just as the start of this period. And now 5 days after my period as the whole last 3 months have been I keep feeling like im fixing to start and my breast are starting to tingle rite on the tip of my nipples. They arent sore just very sensitive to the touch and tingly more at some times than others. And I have little twinges down in that area at times as well. I have had 2 c-sections wt my 2 children and had clamp sterilization wt the last c-section in 2007. Could all this be comming from growing scar tissue possibly growing to my female parts , a start of early menopause, or really possible pregnancy. Im kinda ashamed to go to a doc and tell them whats up bc I dont wanna be laughed at for even thinking I could possibly be preg after the tubal. I just would like some advice as to what this may possibly be.