I have been back and forth between the hospital and doctors because of my vertigo, nausea, severe head aches, sweats, etc. It all started with a severe headache for a week, turned into instant spinning. My head has been spinning since end of last week. It now feels more like my eyes are jerking back and forth left to right and I am extremely nauscious. A couple mornings I have woke up and couldn't see straight, my vision was completely doubled. I have been to eye doctors, chiropractors, docs (who has now admitted he was wrong and I was having migraines) and is now sending me to sunnybrooke to figure out if its just my vertigo or what type it may be. I have a 2 yr old daughter and my biggest concern is for her. I have had the epley maneuver done, tried many things off the internet to get rid of these symptoms and nothing seems to be working. The hospital hasn't done any blood or other examinations on me just say it could be my birth control or I'm pregnant (proved wrong) or to get my hearing checked. I have spoke to a lady with vertigo and she recommended sunnybrooke to me but I don't know what to do in the mean time. I was in the hospital 2 days ago for a tingling/numbness in my face and down my right arm. I have gone through spells where I cant think straight, my vision gets worse and I lose balance. Could the numbness, off balance, lack of communication be part of my vertigo? I am a smoker and this has been a big wake up call whether it be my vertigo or something else. I have quit drinking coffee everything and don't know what to do anymore. Any suggestions? I have also been on serk and it hasn't worked for my dizziness