Hello, scsaini5294,
Fasting blood sugar of 115 mg/dl is mildly elevated blood sugar
that might indicate early
diabetes. You should have
HbA1C tested
and also a 2-hr post meal blood sugar test to confirm the diagnosis.
Your enzyme levels are elevated. If you are above your average
weight for your height , this could all be
Fatty liver related.
After you get a
Hepatitis screening tests for Type-B & Type-C to
rule these out , then you can get a sonogram of the liver to see
if you have fatty liver and it's grading.
If you also have elevated lipid levels, you need to control that
by dietary means and may be medications. You should be on a
diabetic diet , cutting back on concentrated sugars.
I also recommend that you start taking Vit-E 800 i.u. daily, along
with Vit-C 1000 mg. daily, and also a Super B-Complex Vit. tab daily.
Fatty liver is reversible if taken care of before
cirrhosis sets in.
I wish you good luck and good health.