Dear user ,
thank you for reaching out for advice. its good that you asked about this before doing it , many young individuals duel into the world of
steroids and hormones without guidance and that is very dangerous . first NO dont take any
estrogen blockers or post cycle supplement . dont take any pro hormones. now your body is peaking in terms of your natural
testosterone secretion, so let me make myself clearer , say NO to any
hormonal supplement right now .
the only way to get bigger is by eating more and more , weight resistance training and good sleep minimum 8 hours daily . food to eat is potato sweet potato , milk , peanut butter , full fat milk , chicken , meat , rice , eggs ..etc and you should keep in mind that you are lucky for having high
metabolism . so work hard and eat harder is my advice , there is no magical pill that would get your bigger, only hard work like everything else in life.
if you find this answer helpful please rate it as 5 .
Best regards,
Dr. Ahmad