Dear Sir, My Name Is Javed I m 26 Year Old Male from New Delhi (India) and I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis past 18 -20 years, excessive Sweating Hands and feet area. Symptoms - Excessive sweating Where - hand and feet Feel very uneasy cannot do work and shake hands, Effects daily activity What comes to your mind that if someone would shake hand how would he feel. It appears when I get tensed, stressed, anger, warm weather. I get tensed easily, lack of confidence. Fell embarrasses all the time. What sensation do you experience in that situation - Self conscious Current medicine - none Family back ground – I am the only person from my family they the suffering for this. Mind-behavior - angry, irritability , hurry, impatient, no confidence, tensed and so. When increases/Decreases (Aggravation) - all time I am concerned about hands because it affects my work, and personality. Please help me with some medicine. and i used almost all Path... Homoeopathy :- Silicea-1M , Lycopodium 200 Ayurveda :- Saraswatarishta , Ashwagandharishta , Pushkarmool allopathy and Unani :- Mufarrah Shaikh-ur-Rais Bach Flower Remedies :-Mimulus My hands are exposed in social and professional settings, and because of this I am very self-conscious and try to avoid social contact. They may be reluctant to shake hands or handle paperwork. And thinking about the situation of my future and marriage and feel very embarrassed to hold the hands of my wife. I am very embarrassed/ashamed to hold and shake someone hands. I think i not get married because of this... Sweaty hands can occur while meeting someone for the first time, through nervousness or emotional distress. Even rubbing on a small amount of lotion can trigger palmar hyperhidrosis. I am aware of their condition and try to modify my lifestyle to accommodate this problem. This can be disabling in professional, academic and social life, causing embarrassments. Many routine tasks become impossible chores, which can psychologically drain these individuals. And I Think I am The Silent/Hidden Handicap Excessive sweating of the hands interferes my many routine activities, such as securely grasping objects. And try to avoid situations where i’m will come into physical contact with others, such as greeting a person with a handshake. And all time I was thinking about the situation where I shake hand with my friend , colleague and other person , and plan to avoid these type of situations. I am ignore to meet my school and college friends and don’t pick my friends calls as I know he ask to meet. And my all time is pass to thinking and wondering of my problem….. Dr. Aun Prasad (Apollo Hospital Delhi) is saying that two things, 1.Botox injections locally that work for about 6 months 2.ETS surgery that is the best and solution permanent cure in today s setting Please suggest me some cheap, easy and effective treatment, as I am belong from middle class family !!! I am unable to afford the cost of ETS surgery ($5000 without medicine) ... Could you please suggest me some government hospital name in New Delhi (India) which have facility of ETS surgery? because i am belong from poor family and unable to arrange $5000. And please don t break my Hope..........