I had irritating feeling in the tip of my penis about 4 weeks after making a huge mistake while my spouse was out of town. I didn t think much of it at first because i have had this problem many times in the past but it always went away after a few minutes. In the past after intercourse my penis would sometimes feel irritated in the tip, but like I said would go away. We have children and my wife has always come back negative on STD tests. So, I went to my urologist and told him the truth, my urine was tested and came back negative for Chlamydia and so on. I never had any discharge, or any lesions or markings on the penis. Doc told me that it could be some type of infection or bacteria that wasn t showing up. He then told me that it is possible to have an irritated urethra due to vigorous activities. He advised that the feeling may be intensified by guilt as he sees this often in his patience that have a conscience. He prescribed Doxycline for 10 days and advised that this would cure most STD s if I had one but then reassured me that I am negative. The prescription is gone and I have taken them as recommended and the feeling is still there, but not with any other symptoms. It does however subside at times until I urinate, no burning present during urination but the irritation comes back slightly more noticeable for about 10 minutes then presents itself in the normal bothersome feeling. My wife has with in the last few days described to me that her vagine in sometimes itchy and that (gas pains) she does not know of the incident and recently stated that she thinks she has a UTI or a yeast infection which she gets from time to time. Needless to say I am still a bit worried should I be?