Hi i ate outside chicken in large quantity few weeks ago almost 4 weeks now n then next day. Felt lke loose motions , so i took a tablet for it just once n next all day i hvnt ate anythng n only had lots of water, so the 3rd day i got better n i started to eat again normal food roti and all other stuffs , so for few days i was ok but then suddenly frm last 1 week i again got liquid loose motion n i hve to go toilet 2 times a day , i had everythng lke milk also n rotis n chicken also , so out of those two times in toilet one tme , it cme in solid n second tme after few hrs it use to be liquid, so frm last week its same lke this n i even took two more tablets also to control this issue but no improvment so now yestd i only ate rice n now i am planning to survive on rice n curd for atleast 7 days mre, one mre thing is i hve 3 cavities also in my teeths , and becz of my carelessness i hvnt gone to dentist yet n imwill soon go now, one cavity is real bad now smetmes t gves me pain also there n i guessthat tooth is all rotten, i am 27 yrs frm india name is karan arora, is that stocmach infection i hve is due to my teeth problem or i ate too much chicken frm outside market when first this problem started month ago, i dnt knw what to do i hvnt gone to my doctor yet.