Hi. Two years ago I discovered a lump on the left side of my groin area. Went to the doctor immediately who determined it was a swollen lymph node. It returned 4 weeks ago but went down about 5 days later. However, simultaneously a low grade throb, pulsating discomfort developed in my groin crease. Not painful, about a 1 or 2 out of a 10. My primary physician inspected the area (hand probe) and determined it was not hernia, the lymph node was fine, and discovered no other bulges etc. Diagnosed it as an inflamed hip and prescribed an anti-inflamitory. Currently, a few days since, when I wake up there is no discomfort but as my day continues the discomfort becomes more prevalent in the same areas but sporadic. Sometimes the feeling is similar to that of the swollen lymph node but it is not swollen. No burning, just slight pressure. I am going back for a follow up on the 29th of this month. What can it be?