I'm extremely anxious about, initially, some lumps on the shaft of my penis around hair follicles that were few, red and rounded but provided no other discomfort. One bled during sex and my girlfriend of 9 months and we decided to go for STD checks. I unfortunately had to leave the country for work and wasn't able to arrange a visit. I am very stressed as my ex once had a "scare" where she believed she had herpes and received conflicting reports from doctors. In the few years since this episode she has been negative, including on a suspicious bump.
A bit of history - My gf and I often do not use protection, both having negative results after a check early in the relationship. 2 months ago (when my girlfriend and I were not 'official'). I had a one night stand with a girl, using protection, and told my gf.
Back to the present - since I have been away, the bumps gradually went down, meaning they lasted a little over a week. I thought it was ingrowing hairs, having picked a few out myself, but the herpes anxiety got worse and worse. I was extremely stressed at the thought of being an asymptomatic carrier and infecting my gf (who I love deeply). Then today, I felt a burning in my pubic region and noticed a new kind of rash - a thin red line that looks like a scratch - just above my pubic hair line. Now I'm really freaking out. The burning is just before my shaft and there are a few tiny red spots. I'm really worried about this new line, above the pubic hairline. I can't visit a clinic for four more days, when I return home. What's going on!?!?