Hi, I am 38, and this is my 3rd non viable pregnancy. I am 12 weeks, however there was not much development since the beggining. At first, ~ week 7 they saw an empty sac, then ~3 weeks later they saw 2 little sac and they believe to have seen 2 little embrios, no heatbeat, then ~ 12 days later, there was just one sac with one big yolk, or mass. All was seen through vaginal ultra sounds. It was determined that my pregnancy was not viable, as I am suppose to be 12 weeks and not much is happening. My doctor prescribed to insert 3 tablets of Apo- Misoprostol 200mcg. I did that and within 2hrs I saw alot of clotting come out and a blob of whitish mass the size of my thumb . It looked like very small little white smushy balls all together. It has been ~ 48hrs now since I inserted the tablets, however I have not had alot of bleeding . I was expecting alot of bleeding for may hours. However after that big evacuation, I had medium flow of clothes for a few hours and then barely nothing. I am worried, as I thought there would be alot of bleeding to evacuate everything. I have 3 more tablets, should I repeat this treatment again to ensure everything has come out? Or do I now just let my body take over and let my body dictate my next period? And last, if I do let my body take over, should I expect a regular period in 28 days, or will it take a few periods for my body to get regular again?