I am a 50 year old male. Few months ago, I suddenly had pains around both hips and lower abdomen. I ve been walking on the treadmill, on average, 10 miles per week for many years and lately playing cricket (bowling fast like throwing fastball) with my kid. The pain became uncomfortable while driving and when turning sideways while sleeping. I realized quickly the pains had started after playing cricket with my belt tightened so that I did not have to worry about my pants dropping few inches every minute. I had played cricket the previous summer and had none of the symptoms listed above. But I always played wearing the belt a bit loosely. After about a month, the pains slowly went away completely. I continued playing cricket as well as walking on the treadmill. Last weekend, I forgot to loosen up the belt and played cricket for short time and the above listed pains came back right away. I feel the pains I am experiencing are muscular pains but worried that this might be a more serious condition than that, perhaps appendicitis etc. Appreciate any advice or suggestions. I checked for prostate cancer recently and was diagnosed negative. I also have the irritable bowel syndrome, cannot eat too much spices etc.