Dear Doctor,
After standing for more than 10 minutes I feel pain in my left leg starting starting from my lower muscular portion spreading upwards & need immediate sitting. The same thing happens after I walk for say 20 minutes.
I am 67 years old, type-II diabetic & on oral medicine. Latest Hb1c reading being 7.2 (Daily Dose being :Metforminhydrochl 1.850, Glimperide 7mg, Pioglitazone 15, Sitagliptine 100)
My MRI report is as under:
Grade I anterolisthesis of L4 over L5 with L4-5 diffuse annular disc pseudo-bulge extending into bilateral neural foramen causing moderate impression on thecal sac & bilateral traversing nerve roots(Lt>Rt).
Diffuse annular disc bulge with partial extension into left neural foramen at L3-4 level causing mild to moderate impression on thecal sac & left traversing nerve roots.
Diffuse central disc bulge at C3-4, C4-5, C5-6 & C6-7 levels with mild impression on thecal sac.
Grateful for your considered opinion on:
1. is it necessary to undergo surgery?
2. Is the surgery safe without any threat of being cripled after surgery?
3. Can I pull on with exercise & oral medication without surgery?
4. your suggestion