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1) An anal mass could be due to a lot of things, including many benign diseases. Haemorrhoids,
rectal prolapse, perianal haematomas, anal tags, polyps, warts or condylomas, anal abscesses can all present as an anal mass. Non-proctological lumps can also be present from time to time. These include sebaceous cysts and lipomas.
Anal cancer is an uncommon disease, however, a palpable mass and/or bleeding is the presenting symptom in 50% of patients that are later found to have anal cancer.
External hemorrhoids are asymptomatic except when
secondary thrombosis occurs. Thrombosis may result from defecatory straining or extreme physical activity, or it may be a random event. Patients often report feeling the sensation of sitting on a tender marble. Physical examination identifies the external thrombosis as a purple mass at the anal verge.
neck pain may be due to
cervical spondylosis . X-Ray C-Spine will lead to diagnosis. Simple anelgesics is sufficient to relieve neck pain.
3) Poor Erection and
Premature Ejaculation may be of nutritional and
vitamin deficiency.
Stress and Strain will cause poor erection .
Regular exercises and Healthy diet will maintain good health level.
I Hope I Provided Useful Information. Do ask Furthur Questions to help You get well soon.
Dr.J.Kingson John David