hello, I m a 20 year-old female. I ve had a painful tooth cavity about 4 years ago . I went to the dentist and got it cleaned up ( she told me after killing the roots , it became dead) , had a temporary filling , and I was asked to come back a couple of weeks later to have the permanent filling. Unfortunately , as the pain went away I didn t go back.. The filling fell off eventually and the hole in my tooth (where the cavity used to be) was left exposed ... Over the years , the hole got bigger and now what I have is like half a black tooth , a rotten tooth I guess.It smelled very bad generally .. finally, after years of leaving it like that ,I went to the dentist 4 days ago to finally get it taken care of , probably get it extracted.. but the doctor said he couldn t extract it before making sure it couldn t be saved anymore. Since I couldn t afford x-rays, he suggested he put in a temporary filling and see if that results in pain.. It s been three days now and my upper left jaw is starting to feel funny ( painful when I memic the chewing movement) , my tooth hurts when I pressure it and I feel generally uneasy and have a slight nausea today.. I can t go back to the dentist before monday so should I take out the temporary filling until then to feel better? am I forming an abscess? should I insist on removing the tooth? P.S: I haven t eaten on the left side of my mouth for years if that helps !! Please help me : (