Hi Vivek ! With your history, it seems that you have got a
fissure in Ano, which has become chronic with time, and possibly not a piles, which is a name given to any type of perianal problem by people. Fissure is a crack in the
anal canal due to hard stool, which if not taken care of initially, recurs again and again, with super added infection, which gives rise to pain while and after defaecation, with minimal or no bleeding.
Uncomplicated piles ( hemorrhoids ) do not give rise to any pain, but can give rise to bleeding while passing stool.
I would suggest you to modify your diet to more of roughage and liquids to avoid
constipation.Eat more of salads. Do not strain a lot while passing stool.
Do sitz bath ( sitting on a tub of warm water for five minutes ) three times a day. This may relieve your symptoms upto some extent. However, due to chronicity of the problem, possibly there will be less of benefit with this alone. In that case, you have to
consult a general surgeon in your area who after examining and confirmation of the diagnosis, may advise you for a surgery, which possibly will give you a more permanent cure. Wishing you an early recovery.