i had I red oval spot show up on my penis glans . it has appeared before but goes away after days if stays small. If gets bigger lasts a month or more. Its flat typically I notice no pain. It has typically shown up after I ve been sexually active or masturbating. Not sure if when i don t clean up afterwards . Anyway, recently the one that appeared I decided to mess with. I read about using apple cider vinegar to eliminate skin tags and things like small warts , so in my wisdom I put a small amount if it on this red spot. It did NOT like it. I wasn t exactly thorough. Part of the ACV was on the red spot and a little bit got on my skin. It blistered and grew upward and outward. Formed a scab over a pit. It is red around outside with raised edges. Tight feeling around skin of glans. Has affected sensation on head of penis. Originally I put neosporin on it and seemed like it was calming it and reducing size but then id swim or have sex. The sore seemed to get more red and raised. I promptly put neo on afterwards. Id check on it occasionally. Seems to stay same. So I put this tea tree based oil on it. That seems to have an affect of reducing redness and shrinkage somewhat. Again I would have sex or get wet by swimming or jogging. This spot originally appeared july 10 ish. . Size now is aprox 1 cm around red. Pit is clear to shiny scab is now 1-2 mm. Oh, have had one partner for three months. I had been having unprotected sex with other routine partners prior. My current partner got a yeast infection and i had symptoms of Jock itch. Shiny skin on scrotum . Itchy. Cleared up on scrotum with lotramin. I was suspicious of chlamydia so we got tested for major disease. We were negative on all major diseases. But I received gram of antibiotic at doc visit, since told him that I highly thought I had chlamydia and once taken the itchiness I had disappeared. This is around time spot appeared. ..my current partner has been on monodox for an acne issue on her face. I decided to take two of her pills. I thought were 750 mg ea.. But after looking up dosage amounts online, seems to only go as high as 100 mg. So not sure now of dosage I took. However, later that day noticed an improvement in size and redness of sore. I took another same dose the next day but didn t see a marked improvement. I have not put anything on in two days. I ve seen no improvement except coloration is mostly clear/ white with shiny scab. So my question is: is it bacterial or viral in nature.? What are the strong possibilities of what it could be?. Is there a home remedy.?