I'm currently, taking Zoton 30 and another tablet at night to help stop the pain, excessive belching from my mouth, which has a horrible smell and taste and heartburn. I also suffer from diarrhoea and constipation, it swings from one to the other, with no in between. I've had this from approx. 5yrs old, (so does my son, who is 10, and his bouts are like mine, getting gradually worse as he gets older).
The symptoms have got progressively, worse over the years, from approx. 1-2days per month to 5-7 days per week, night and day although mostly early morning to dinner time, but can last almost all day and now more often does.
The bouts of belching with the horrible smell and bad breath occurs almost daily night and day and are really embarrassing particularly at work, never mind the diarrhoea.
I've had MANY endoscopies and colonoscopies (also checking polyp growths) over the last 30 years (age 50), and on each occasion the specialist to diagnose IBS.
I'm currently fed up being told that there is nothing the medical profession can offer me or even some hope of curing or controlling it. I don't visit the doctor often because of this, but eventually, my wife gives out to me for not persevering and I will make a further appointment to hear the same tale. Now it is seriously affecting my work and family life and I often feel like I should cut my own stomach out, it has got that bad.
I believe the problem is in my small intestine, which neither of the aforementioned procedures get to. Is there some other procedure(s) that could be tried or new / alternative treatment you could recommended or an alternative diagnosis / cause that should be investigated / considered, as I'm seeing my specialist on the 16th Sept.
Believe me, I would now try anything, and have already tried many healers, alternative therapy's etc.
If I were retired, I would not mind as much, I would get enough hours to do what was necessary, but at present with a family and mortgage, I need to be working and these symptoms are really debilitating and are having a serious detrimental affect on the whole family.
Hope you have a few suggestions!