Hi, I m a 50 yr old female. I have severe degenerative disc disease in my lower lumbar . I also was diagnosed with RA and am taking Humira injections and methotrexate . About 5 yrs ago I started feeling this intense internal burning feeling in my left side of my left calf . My Dr. was concerned because I am on birth control pills and he wanted to rule out a blood clot. So I had an ultrasound and nothing was found. We never really found the problem and it acts up occasionally and then goes away. I was diag. With the DDD in my lumbar about 1 1/2 yrs ago, when my back really flared up. My MRI showed the DDD and there was a nerve that was caught. My back Dr. doesn t really want to do surgery, because of my RA and the meds I take. The past week the burning sensation has flared up and I now feel it in my whole calf, and isn t letting up, night and day. Could this be the nerve? It can t be a side effect from my meds because I didn t have the R A 5 yrs ago when this first started. I have a family Dr., a Rheumy Dr., a Spine Dr., and a chronic pain Dr., who do I contact?