The itching bumps bwteen fingers, groin,
axilla & whole body as such seems to be
Scabies. It is a condition that spreads by skin to skin contact. not seen on face.
Treatment is local application of lotion( Gamma benzine hydrochloride & cetrimide lotion)after scrub & bath. it is to be applied to whole body Except for face for 3 days.
- Take care not to to come in contact with eyes & let it not be in children's reach.
Avoid touch to other persons in house.
Not to share cloths ,bed with others.
To wash all the clothing used in these 3 days to be boiled in washing soda
& washed to dry in sun light after the course.
- If there is no relief with this consult a skin specialist for systemic drugs
- Somehow there are other skin conditions like
Eczema causing the same set of symptoms.
So advice of a skin specialist to have a pin point diagnosis & plan of treatment is ideal.