I believe I have tonsillitis having symptoms of sore throat , sore neck glands, swollen tonsils with the puss, difficulty and painful swallowing and body ache. I am aware I will need antibiotics for this but unfortunately I am allergic to almost all antibiotics except sulphur ones. I have veeb using natural antibiotics such as lemon, salt and honey . I have been doing some reading about how strep bacteria can spread and cause rheumatic disease. About a week and half prior to having this sore throat, I have felt my heart palpitating and beats at abnormal rate everyday. I queried if it was my asthma but it s definitely not my lungs but my chest/heart that felt odd. Five days on and the sore throat feels worse, and also I started feeling something stuck down the trachea everytime I swallow. I woke up the next day and it feels it has gone down again to mid chest as I find it tight and painful to swallow and bring my food down. Because it is the Christmas/New Year Holiday I am hesitatant to go to the hospital Emergency Depatment kowing I will be there all day. I was thinking of waiting until the endof the week when my regular general practitioner s clinic will be open. But with the chest tightness symptom, I am getting a bit worried. Is this normal with tonsillitis? Regards.