Your numbers are really bad and they are definitely a cause for concern.
MICROALBUMINARIA is the stage when 24 hour urine protein levels are between 30- 300 mg of albumin / 24 hours and it is supposed to be a potentially reversible stage.
Levels above 300 mg albumin/ 24 hours are called as overt proteinuria and it is a state of
diabetic nephropathy.
It is said that average time period from the development of overt proteinuria to end stage
renal failure is 5 years.
Do's for you....
....Meticulous control of blood sugar levels and hypertension.
.....Avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs like pain killers.
.....Prompt control of
urinary tract infection
....Low protein and low potassium diet( avoid milk,meat,pulses,citrus fruits,coconut water etc
....You should be given ACE inhibitors as these will delay the onset of end stage renal failure.
...you should be jointly managed by a
diabetologist and a cardiologist.
....you should be put on injection insulin and oral anti diabetics are avoided.
I hope it helps.