First of all, you would stop excessive douching or using peroxide/ sea salt which can aggravate the condition.
Second, you have to eliminate or correct some additional predisposing factors like mental stress, lack of sleep, poor eating habits, hormonal imbalance, certain medicines (like hormone pills, antibiotics, steroids etc), cervicitis or
atrophic vaginitis, weak immune system, poor genital hygiene etc.
Third, I suggest vaginal suppository or cream in combination with
metronidazole (like CLINGEN PLUS) at bed time for 3 to 5 days. Hope, it helps you to get effective result.
If you have sexual partner, he also needs complete course of
anti-fungal medication. Kindly, procure a prescription from your doctor.
Last thing, you must maintain your vaginal pH and acidic media gives quite protection against recurrent infection. You can use RepHresh pH for balancing vaginal pH. It is quite effective.
Good luck.