24 year old female, 5 6 148 pounds, not sexually active, had ectopic pregnancy surgery in 2010-right tube removed, herpes. pain started in the pelvic area-left side in October 2012, lasted for a few weeks then went away. Started back up again July 2013, went to hospital again, after pelvic exam, doctor sent me home with a z-pack thinking it was chlamydia due to the discharge and swelling-but the test results later showed that I did NOT have chlamydia or any other STD. Pain eventually went away, now is back (October 2013.) Since I do not have health insurance I paid $50 to go to a clinic to get a woman s exam, and the doctor couldn t find anything and told me to go to the hopsital. I went to the hospital again, my test results showed negative for any infection, UTI or STD. The ER did CT scan and ultrasound, found nothing. I was eligible for the sliding-scale fee at a clinic near by, the doctor gave me sulfameth/trimethoprim in case it was a bladder infection that just didn t show on the tests. I also drank 4 containers of just cranberries cranberry juice. The pain is so bad, I cannot take it anymore. Symptoms -severe pain that is NON-STOP that started in my left side (pelvic area) now it s an all-encompassing pain, in the front, like where the bladder is. Sometimes the pain will shift to the urethra..... -Clear mucous-like discharge, sometimes white discharge too -constipation -feels like I have to pee all the time -frequent urination but I cant pee all the way, only a little will come out at a time. This pain is so bad I haven t slept in days and I am crying all the time.