I have been in a mutually monogamous heterosexua relationship for over 4 years now. Five days ago, I had a bowel movement that was painful and resulted in bright red blood and burning when I wiped. Then later that day, I had a constant burning and general discomfort in the perineum and anal opening. By the next day, I had pain in my lymph nodes of my neck and groin area alone with fatigue and muscle soreness. At first, I thought the perineal pain was due to the difficult BM and due to the nature of the area, perhaps an infection was happening as a result. Now, 5 days in the pain is extremely unbearable. It hurts to wipe, sit, squat, etc. It feels raw and upon exam there appears to be small bumps. When I search the internet I realize my symptoms point to Herpes (more accurately anal herpes). I am crushed and confused. Is it possible that HSV 2 would only now present in a 4+ year sexual relationship without infidelity being the cause.