thank you for your query
hysterectomy can be done either laproscopically or abdominally or vaginally..laproscopic hysterectomines have lesser postop pain compared to the other two methods.
hence during post op period experiencing pain is common.Recovery from open abdominal hysterectomy usually takes 6-8 weeks. Recovery time will be quicker for other methods.bleeding along with pain can also be expected in this time for few days.
i can suggest few simple tips to reduce pain and any complications..
1.During the first two to three weeks, rest and avoid lifting.
2.Slowly increase your activities. Begin with light chores and short walks. 3.Depending on your job, you may be able to return to work.
4.to promote healing, eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables .
5.Try to avoid
constipation by: Eating high-fiber foods,Drinking plenty of water
6.Using stool softeners if needed
7.Ask your doctor when you can use tampons.
8.ask about Kegel exercises.
by drinking loads of fluids your mother will cut down on the risk of developing
kidney stone.and mild walking will help keep her mobile.but start these activities gradually and slowly.
thank you,
wishing you good health