About 3 weeks ago I had about 20 soft stools in one day. This continued into the next day. I had become so dehydrated that I was admitted into the hospital. All tests came back negative so I was sent home thinking I had a virus. I went home still having loose stools but only about 4-7 per day. I was very weak. A few days later, I was admitted to the hospital again. This time they did more testing including an abdominal ct scan and an ultrasound of my gall bladder. Once again all tests were negative. I was sent home on a lactose free diet. I was given riflaxin for 14 days and told to take a flora probiotic. After being home a few days, I did begin to feel better for almost a full week. Now I am very nauseous, dizzy, weak, and having 1-3 soft stools per day. I have been to every doctor I know, nobody has any ideas of what is going on.