I have tapered off 50mg of oxycontin so far and cold turkey off of soma; now I have to taper off of Viibryd bbecause it caused serotonin toxicity. One of the with drawal symptoms from the other meds is excessive sweating, while the excessive sweating was a sign of the serotonin poisoning. This has been going on for over two months. How much longer before the withdrawal symptoms are done, and what can be done to stop the excessive sweating? that is the worse right now..more so than the nausea, chills, weakness...etc. My concern is the withdrawals off the opiates and soma caused the excessive sweating, but the sweating that was a warning from serotonin poisoning are two separate issues and I am ready to check into organic ways to stop these withdrawals as they are debilitating to my life....I don't have the energy to do anything but sleep. I've heard that 5htp with vitamin B6 and C. I've checked everywhere online....places like Neuro Genetic WWW.WWWW.WW ..Do you have any suggestions? The withdrawals are going on 3 months now and I can't take anymore.